

沼泽 & McLENNAN公司

环境、社会和治理 @ Marsh McLennan


我们已经正式整合了环境, 自2008年以来,社会和治理因素进入了我们的决策过程, and believe that transparent and consistent disclosure enables better-informed business and investment decisions.



We have formally integrated 环境、社会和治理 considerations into our decision-making processes since 2008 and believe that transparent and consistent disclosure enables better-informed business and investment decisions.

The Board 环境、社会和治理 Committee oversees and supports the company’s commitment to social, 环境和其他公共政策倡议. The Committee reports to the Marsh McLennan Board on a regular basis (typically at each board meeting).

The Management 环境、社会和治理 Committee supports the Marsh McLennan Board and Executive Committee in identifying, 调整达信现有的和新的环境、社会和治理目标并确定优先级. Members are drawn from senior management across our four global businesses and corporate departments, 我们的副总法律顾问, 首席合规官和公司秘书担任主席.

Our Client Advisory teams support 我们的客户 in navigating complex 环境、社会和治理 issues and in working toward their own 环境、社会和治理 goals at all stages of their journeys.

可持续发展团队推进达信麦克伦南内部的环境、社会和治理优先事项, 包括实现零净目标的进展.



我们以自己希望在世界上看到的行为为榜样. Strong and effective corporate governance will help promote these behaviors and protect our culture.


我们公司最大的优势是我们员工的集体才能. 包容不仅仅意味着接受,还意味着归属. 每个人都有独特的知识和经历. 就个人而言,这使我们有价值;就集体而言,这使我们非凡.


Climate change is a global issue and we all have a role to play in addressing it. 低碳的未来可以支持可持续发展, 竞争的商业环境, while creating new opportunities for Marsh McLennan and all of our stakeholders.


Many issues of public importance cannot be solved without corporate leadership — from developing and supporting high quality and accessible healthcare systems to building climate resilience to addressing cyber risk to helping close the world's protection gaps. Marsh McLennan在帮助社会应对这些挑战方面具有独特的优势.


任何个人、任何公司、任何国家都无法单独实现变革. 我们将与我们的同事接触, 我们的客户, 我们的股东, our communities and governments around the world to take on the great challenges of our time.

凯特·布伦南,总法律顾问 & 管理环境、社会和治理委员会执行发起人:
“我们的环境、社会和治理倡议建立在我们对强有力的治理的承诺之上. 我们致力维护企业管治的最佳模式, conducting ourselves ethically and earning and keeping the confidence of 我们的股东."





横跨四大全球业务, our collective capabilities contributed to a broad spectrum of 环境、社会和治理 issues on behalf of clients and in support of communities in 2022.


横跨四大全球业务, our collective capabilities contributed to a broad spectrum of 环境、社会和治理 issues on behalf of clients and in support of communities in 2022.


We made progress against our 2021 climate commitments and have made new ones in 2022, including our intention to become net-zero across our operations globally by 2050.


We made progress against our 2021 climate commitments and have made new ones in 2022, including our intention to become net-zero across our operations globally by 2050.


2020年是与众不同的一年,它以不可预见的方式考验着世界. At Marsh McLennan, it also reaffirmed a sense of purpose that goes far beyond commercial success. 


2020年是与众不同的一年,它以不可预见的方式考验着世界. At Marsh McLennan, it also reaffirmed a sense of purpose that goes far beyond commercial success. 

Our government relations activity is subject to our code of conduct and other rules that address interactions with public officials and corporate political contributions. 以下是相关指引和环境、社会和治理文件:


Marsh McLennan does not use corporate funds for independent political expenditures in support of or opposition to any candidate for office. 这项禁令也适用于向行业协会付款. Each payment to a trade association is individually reviewed and subject to attestation, 确保遵守这一禁令.

进一步, it is our policy that Marsh McLennan does not engage in the following kinds of political conduct:

• Paying for independent advertising or public communications that expressly support or oppose a federal political candidate


• Communicating a view on whether a candidate's voting record is in line with the company's view on issues

• Establishing a federal political action committee (PAC) to engage in so-called “independent expenditures”.


麦克伦南政治行动委员会(PAC)是一个无党派组织, US federal political action committee that receives voluntary contributions from Company employees. The Company's political action committee provides the Government Relations Department with important opportunities to build relationships with federal lawmakers. The PAC does not use corporate funds to make political contributions and operates with a loyal base of voluntary support from Marsh McLennan colleagues.

Marsh McLennan PAC does not contribute PAC funds to any presidential exploratory committee or presidential campaign committee. Marsh McLennan PAC publicly discloses all contributions as required by applicable laws. 十大靠谱赌博平台政治行动委员会的联邦选举委员会文件可在此找到 在这里. 


十大靠谱赌博平台政治行动委员会由一个咨询委员会管理, which administers the PAC’s budget over each two-year election cycle and oversees compliance with US federal election laws.

The PAC makes contributions with the approval of the Advisory Committee chairperson to federal candidates that are governed by a set of criteria and made transparent according to federal law and Company policy.

有关详情,请参阅政府帐目委员会附则 在这里.




• Serve on committees with jurisdiction over policies that are core to our interests.


•与公司的价值观保持一致 十大靠谱赌博平台行为准则. 


Marsh McLennan actively engages public officials at the federal and state levels on issues that impact our colleagues, 企业和客户. Marsh McLennan also retains outside consultants and lobbyists to advocate on our behalf.

遵守联邦法律, Marsh McLennan and its outside consultants file lobbying reports (LD-2) on a quarterly basis to disclose federal lobbying activities and expenses.

除了, Marsh McLennan’s federal lobbyists are required to file semiannual LD-203 reports on any personal funds contributed to federal candidates. 一份独立的半年一次的LD-203报告是代表Marsh McLennan提交的, 包括十大靠谱赌博平台政治行动委员会.


健全的公司管治原则, acting with integrity and maintaining the trust of 我们的股东 are among our most important values and practices at Marsh McLennan.


查找更多的公司治理指南、章程和章程 在这里.